Since I joined ISWA, almost 13 years ago, one of the best things that ISWA offered me is the opportunity to meet some guys like the one who is interviewed today, Mr. Hakan Rylander, CEO of the SYSAV Company Group. I would say that SYSAV is a role model company in WtE so I consider a visit to its web-site ( as a very intersting one.
Hakan is my good friend and one of the guys that I really admire - sometimes I wish to become like him when I grow up and become more mature. For the time being I appreciate both his straight forward way as well as the fact that he is the type of "better do it than say it". As for his know-how, he is one of the most experienced WtE engineers I know, involved in all different phases and aspects of a WtE facility.
Besides being ISWA's president between 1996-98, Hakan has held many other key-positions e.g. Chairman of the ISWA WtE Working Group, Swedish Representative in the Nordic Association of Waste Management, Chairman of the Scania Society of Engineers. Currently Hakan is also running the R&D Committee of Avfall Sverige. So here comes his interview, I am sure you will enjoy it. Hakan, thanks a lot for your thoughtful answers...
“Hakan, you are working for 40 years in the waste management
industry and you have passed from several crucial positions, including your
ISWA presidency few years ago. So I would say that for me and my readers this a perfect opportunity to
utilize your broad experience and address some key-issues that are discussed
worldwide. So let's start with your operational
experiences running one of the best incinerators in Europe. What were the most
difficult problems you faced?
I have actually
been running two large waste-to-energy plants, one in Gothenburg between
1993-96 and now the large one here at Sysav in Malmö. Both plants are
working in an excellent way, where we in both cases focused on a “conservative”
concept, with a well established and proven technology, with steam figures of
400 degrees centigrade and 40 bars to minimize the risk for corrosion. Let us
focus on the Sysav-plant, which I know the best today. When building the two
new furnaces we put a lot of effort and time on the specification of
requirements to be fulfilled by the suppliers, with a high accessibility, a
high reliability and a plant easy to maintain. We also looked for the best and
reliable flue gas cleaning system to be able to meet with all emission
directives on a European and National level with a very good and safe margin in
order to avoid all anxiety from the public and the neighbours of the plant. And
of course, to an acceptable and low price. The big challenge was to
"marry" the three big suppliers of boiler, flue gas cleaning and
turboset so the deliveries fitted in time to each other and so we could handle
the strong wind of southern Sweden when doing the high-raised installations.I
think we managed very well in our efforts.
We have permission to incinerate
550 000 tons annually and during the last years we have been incinerating
around 549 000 tons annually, we don´t cool off any heat at all. All
produced energy is utilized as heat and electricity. The maintenance works as
planned, taking place in the summer time when there is a low demand for heat.
The emissions are far below the permitted levels. The big challenge when
constructing and buying the new furnaces was to get an efficient, reliable
plant to an acceptable price and we managed. Our gate fee is very competitive.
We didn´t have any problems with
the public opinion when building the two last furnaces. The big problems came
up already in 1973 when building the first two furnaces. There had never been
any waste-to-energy plants in the Malmö-region before that and the plans and
the building of a waste incineration plant caused a lot of objections and
discussions from the public, NGOs and neighbours. Finally, Sysav got the permission
and after that we have not had any problems. That is due to the very good
results we have achieved in producing and delivering heat to the district
heating system of Malmö and the very low emissions from the plant. When asking
for permission for the two new furnaces we had an excellent reference in the
two old ones. We have also all the time been very open in our information about
the operation and the results we have achieved. We also invite people to visit
our plant to see what actually happens and take place in a waste-to-energy plant.
To be successful when working
with the public opinion I am completely convinced that you have to have an
early, very honest and open dialogue with them. Don´t try to “hide” anything.
Invite them to participate in the process and keep them informed. Present good
So what is the role of an incinerator in an integrated waste
management system? Is it in competition with recycling or no?
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Sysav WtE Plant |
The answer is very easy to be given. There
is no competition at all between recycling of materials and
waste-to-energy, on the contrary the two methods complement each other.
The waste problem can´t be solved by using one
method, you have to use them all – reuse, recycling, biological treatment,
waste-to-energy and landfilling – in accordance with the EU Hierarchy.
Within Sysav we are working with all these methods.
Last year we received 903 000 tons of different kinds of waste, 98% were
recycled as materials and energy, only 2% was landfilled (22 000 tons).
Less than 1% of the household waste was landfilled. We have by working in this
way prolonging the remaining life time of our landfills with about 30 years. I
have very strongly during the years believed that this is the correct way of
dealing with waste as long as it exists, and I think the Sysav-results proof
that it is a successful way.
Is incineration
applicable to developing countries? Which are the conditions for a success?
Incineration should not be the first option in developing countries. It must start with a well managed landfill with methane gas recovery, material recycling with source separation and biological treatment of food waste with production of biogas and a bio-fertilizer. Such a concept would be the best for the environment and for the climate. With the present technolgy within waste incineration a lot of heat has to be cooled off in developing countries. You can of course produce electricity with higher effiecency in comparison with recovering heat as well as electricity as we do in the Nordic countries, but still a lot of heat is cooled away. The situation will improve significantly if you have a neighbouring industry or any other big activity/business with a demand for steam or heat.
Technically speaking, what can we expect from the technology in terms of improvements?
The big technical challenges with the present technology are today three and where we will improve:
- to reduce and minimize the amount of bottom ash. After the waste-to-energy process there still is about 20% of bottom ash as a residue. That means that there still is too much of unburnable waste coming to the waste-to-energy plants. We have to significantly reduce that amount to be more efficient in recovering energy and minimize the environmental problems of the residues.
- to develop a safe and environmentally correct way of final handling of the flue gas cleaning residues and to recover as much as technical and economically possible of the metal content in these residues and in the bottom ash
- to increase the electrical efficiency in the waste-to-energy plants. With high prices for electricity the power production should increase. Based upon some successful cases from some new European waste-to-energy plants. I would not hesitate to increase the steam figures above 400 degrees and 40 bars when building a new plant.
Last but not least, in a recent discussion I heard, probably for the 100th time in last two years, that incineration is dead and that gasification and plasma pyrolysis will soon substitute all incineration plants. What is the current status of those technologies? Are they applicable for Mixed MSW? Are there commercial applications and operational experiences? After all, is it something we can trust?
The big technical challenges with the present technology are today three and where we will improve:
- to reduce and minimize the amount of bottom ash. After the waste-to-energy process there still is about 20% of bottom ash as a residue. That means that there still is too much of unburnable waste coming to the waste-to-energy plants. We have to significantly reduce that amount to be more efficient in recovering energy and minimize the environmental problems of the residues.
- to develop a safe and environmentally correct way of final handling of the flue gas cleaning residues and to recover as much as technical and economically possible of the metal content in these residues and in the bottom ash
- to increase the electrical efficiency in the waste-to-energy plants. With high prices for electricity the power production should increase. Based upon some successful cases from some new European waste-to-energy plants. I would not hesitate to increase the steam figures above 400 degrees and 40 bars when building a new plant.
Last but not least, in a recent discussion I heard, probably for the 100th time in last two years, that incineration is dead and that gasification and plasma pyrolysis will soon substitute all incineration plants. What is the current status of those technologies? Are they applicable for Mixed MSW? Are there commercial applications and operational experiences? After all, is it something we can trust?
6. A lot of people say they are
promising and they are more environmental friendly than incineration...
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Sysav WtE Plant |
Well, I guess I have heard the same thing at least as many times as you Antonis.
I remember when I joined the business in the 1970-ies that there was a big belief that gasification, pyrolysis and the plasma technology would be the “salvation” of the waste problem. A number of companies introduced gasification and pyrolysis technologies, just slightly different from each other. All the different methods had worked in a very good way when testing them in a small scale, feeding the reactors with a small, very well prepared amount of waste each time. The problems came when scaling up the technology.
A number of plants were built in Europe and a number of efforts were done to successfully scale up the technology. However, it didn´t work anywhere unless you had a very very homogenous input of fuel to the reactors. Waste is not a homogenous fuel. It has so far turned out to be too heterogenous to be able to treat in a gasification or pyrolysis process, irrespective of how you pre-treat the waste. It is absolutely not applicable for mixed MSW with today's technology. Another very negative factor is that the energy balance very often has turned out to be negative.
It would, from an environmentally point of view, be an excellent method if it worked, with low emissions and with a very small and environmentally safe residue, but unfortunately the situation today and the experiences are the same today as almost 40 years ago, even if there have been and still are efforts to introduce gasification and pyrolysis on the market.
When planning for the two new furnaces in the Sysav-plant there were proposals and some efforts that we should change from conventional grate incineration to gasification. I said absolutely “No”, but to be fair to those who believed that gasification was the best technology we decided to carry out a study and a comparison between the two technologies. The answer was very clear: gasification would result in a negative energy balance. I am happy to say that we made the right decision, our results and experiences from the grate technology gives the answer.
I absolutely don´t want to be negative, it would be fantastic if the gasification and pyrolysis technology will develop in such a way that you can use it for MSW , with a clear positive energy balance and working in a safe way for those working at the plant.
I remember when I as a young person in the waste business, full of belief in new methods and technologies, in the middle 1970-ies participated in a very good conference in Antwerp about waste management. There was a whole session about gasification and pyrolysis and I was full of enthusiasm, expecting a lot from the different presentations. On the way in to the conference room I walked beside an older gentleman and colleague from Germany. I told him about my expectations and he looked very friendly upon me telling me that he had started to work with R&D within waste management already in 1922 at the Batelle Institute in Frankfurt, and the task was to gasify/pyrolyse waste in a better way than could be done in a waste incineration plant. He told me that they without any success had been trying to do so and that he still had very little faith gasification/pyrolysis could be developed and turn out to be a successful technology for waste.
It would, from an environmentally point of view, be an excellent method if it worked, with low emissions and with a very small and environmentally safe residue, but unfortunately the situation today and the experiences are the same today as almost 40 years ago, even if there have been and still are efforts to introduce gasification and pyrolysis on the market.
When planning for the two new furnaces in the Sysav-plant there were proposals and some efforts that we should change from conventional grate incineration to gasification. I said absolutely “No”, but to be fair to those who believed that gasification was the best technology we decided to carry out a study and a comparison between the two technologies. The answer was very clear: gasification would result in a negative energy balance. I am happy to say that we made the right decision, our results and experiences from the grate technology gives the answer.
I absolutely don´t want to be negative, it would be fantastic if the gasification and pyrolysis technology will develop in such a way that you can use it for MSW , with a clear positive energy balance and working in a safe way for those working at the plant.
I remember when I as a young person in the waste business, full of belief in new methods and technologies, in the middle 1970-ies participated in a very good conference in Antwerp about waste management. There was a whole session about gasification and pyrolysis and I was full of enthusiasm, expecting a lot from the different presentations. On the way in to the conference room I walked beside an older gentleman and colleague from Germany. I told him about my expectations and he looked very friendly upon me telling me that he had started to work with R&D within waste management already in 1922 at the Batelle Institute in Frankfurt, and the task was to gasify/pyrolyse waste in a better way than could be done in a waste incineration plant. He told me that they without any success had been trying to do so and that he still had very little faith gasification/pyrolysis could be developed and turn out to be a successful technology for waste.
I was of course very disappointed to hear this, but still believed it was the technology for the future handling of waste. The bad experiences coming up very soon after that conference and all the failures and unsuccessful efforts since then has made me very skeptical.
Unfortunately, I believe there is a long way still to go, but we shouldn´t give up our efforts."
Unfortunately, I believe there is a long way still to go, but we shouldn´t give up our efforts."
Wonderful discussion
A part of this post answers the questions about New York City's recent Request for Proposal to develop waste-to-energy, which specifically excludes WTE combustion in order to please people who have been opposing WTE in NYC for the past 20 years. More on this in this reply by Prof. Nickolas Themelis to a reporter.
I'm going to include the gasification part as a separate post on
Thank you Antonis for initiating this discussion. Thank you Mr. Hakan for your insights and enthusiasm to answer.
Informative blog post
Incineration should be outlawed, valuable MSW is going up in smoke, in future we will need this feedstock, for processing and recycling for small scale gasification power plants.
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These are really interesting ideas. I would love to see the waste disposal in Chicago consider doing this.
I'm glad that they are doing so well. Recycling needs to become more mainstream. If it was required for Americans to recycle, not only would the economy improve but the environment would as well. If more people could see the benefits of recycling it wouldn't be such a problem. People just need to be pushed to do it rather then procrastinating until it's too late.
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I have been smelling a stench from my backyard lately. I have a feeling my septic tank needs my attention.
Agree, however, wish every trash/waste can be recycled. In the case of hazardous wastes for example, it would be very risky to make something out of it (but maybe if done by the experts/specialists it is possible). For these wastes, I say, it is best to deal with them properly to prevent any harm to our family and to our environment. Hazardous waste disposal must be and should be done the right way.
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